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3 Ways to Find Clients for Your Embroidery Business Part 1 | Embroidery Insider Podcast

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“Be a walking advertisement for your services, you can wear your embroidered polo as a conversation starter”



On the newest episode of the Embroidery Insider podcast, Henry Ma breaks down five actionable tips that you can apply to your embroidery business to save you time and increase your output.

Read on to discover five implementable strategies that will reduce your downtime and increase your productivity by keeping your machine running.

You may also follow along with the audio version below.

#1: Leverage your network and word of mouth

Whenever someone asks how to get clients on our Facebook support group, we repeatedly hear this advice: simply talk about it!

Word of mouth is the best form of free marketing for your business.

Talk about it to everyone you know and everyone you meet, so that you can build your client base in the most organic way possible. Networking is key to building clients and people who can direct you to clients.

You can also become an ambassador for your own business in the most effortless way possible: by casually wearing your custom gear out to events!

It could be a great conversation starter among other business owners who may be looking for custom gear.


#2: Sampling

Sampling is essentially an embroidery business owner’s way of giving free trials.

The main reason sampling is still around is because it flat out works!

Sampling simply means you send samples to local businesses, so they can get an idea of your work. You can send samples of embroidered work on hats and shirts and even go the extra mile of digitizing the company’s logo and sending it to them as a gift. Taking this extra step usually converts the highest amount of prospects into customers.

Although you’re putting in time at first, it will pay off eventually because those people will become happy customers and happy customers turn into repeat clients.

Let’s not forget...

Repeat clients are the lifeline of your business and will eventually grow to becoming your VIP customers.

If you’re interested in growing your customer base through sampling, click here to learn these three proven techniques for making $2,000/week in the embroidery business.


#3: Referral Programs

Referral programs incentivize your existing customers to get the word out about your services and, at the same time, helps ensure your existing customers will buy again.

When a customer likes a product, it’s easier for them to convince their network to purchase because their network already knows and trusts them.

People will be more willing to buy because someone else already tried it and believes it is good.

You can also offer your clients a unique discount depending on how many customers they refer or the size of the referred customer’s order.


Bottom Line

These three easy ways we outlined to promote your business are not scientific, but simple, and can be done effortlessly by maximizing the potential of your existing circle.

It’s time you take advantage of the resources available to you in this industry! Be sure to watch our embroidery YouTube videos, join embroidery Facebook support groups and ask questions whenever possible!

Want to ask a question or share your experience with embroidery? Leave a comment below. 

For additional help, feel free to join our free Facebook group, Embroidery and Custom Apparel Mastery.

In it, over 10,000 members share their thoughts about embroidery, give insight on various embroidery related issues and provide connections to wholesale items and even jobs!

Join the group!

About the Author
Raegan Daley is the content specialist at Ricoma Embroidery Machines. Ricoma engineers, manufactures, and distributes embroidery equipment worldwide. To support both the industry and its customers, Ricoma regularly creates blog and video content to give both beginners and experts the confidence to start or grow their custom apparel business with embroidery. For more information regarding Ricoma, visit To contact Raegan directly, email